A lil piece of me

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Winter Storms!!!! Please be over!!

Let me just start by saying after 12 days of no electricity in Marlow, I for one, am SO EXCITED to have it back!  We were more fortunate than others in town since we at least had a gas stove to keep warm by!  So glad I don't have a total electric house!  But man, its so crazy!  We just had an exceptionally bad winter so far....and even as I write this we are still getting more snow!  But we had a really bad ice storm come through (which caused the LOOONNNNGGG blackout)  and I for one now panic each time the lights try to even flicker!  We're all getting flashbacks and going no!  Not again....although we did have 3 hours of no power Monday (we got our electric back on Sunday)  and it was slightly scary even though I knew it was only going to be out a couple of hours!  LOL....who would've thought it!  Also doesn't help that our towns substation is from the dinosaur era!  But all is hopefully well even though I'm still leary to restock my fridge and freezer of which we lost everything....even though we were able to keep some stuff for the first few days on the back porch and it kept cold!  lol...then it warmed up too much but no power still so it went bad!  Oh and I don't think I ever even mentioned the blizzard we had at the end of dec....it was nuts too!  We got over a foot of snow and snow drifts up to 2 or 3 feet deep!  Craziness then too....I'm worried about the end of Feb! LOL.....anyways....enough about snow, ice, and winter in general....or electric!!  (which I've found a new apprication for!) 

Well on the diet front....I have now gained all but 2 of my pounds back...I know this is probably just an excuse but it's very hard to eat on a diet when you can't keep cold foods or frozen healthy meals or well when you just can't cook right.  So I have packed the pounds back on and am in desperate need to get back on the bandwagon....  I'm going to try to set a mini goal for myself and see if I can't lose 20 lbs by April 17th.  That's 9 weeks from this Saturday.  It's also our good ole Woodystock weekend!  We'll see if I can do it!!  It's gonna be hard work but I know I can if I set my mind to it!  Also, my mom said I can have her treadmill (which is currently at my mema's house) but I just have to make room for it in our house now.....I know where I want it but we have to get rid of our big computer desk and find a small one that can fit in the bedroom or something.  And I also have to find room to put all the stuff that is currently on, around, or under the desk....and it's quite a task!!  So pray I get motivated and get organized and can get this baby here!  Also, I think Terry and I have decided to rejoin the Simmons Center....but we've yet to get there and get it started between money and well weather! LOL....so lets hope we can get that underway too!! 

On my book goal 100 in 2010....I have currently finished book # 10 and am halfway finished with 11 and 12!  Right now I'm reading Black by Ted Dekker...it's really interesting....I've been wanting to read it for awhile now but I walked in the library Tuesday and it was sitting on the table right when you walk in the door along with the second book in the series Red....(there are 4 total)  now I'm hoping that they will get the last 2 books and I can read them too...If not I'm going to have to buy them!!  He's my favorite author!  

Well tomorrow night is the Eli Young Band concert in Norman at Riverwind Casino and I'm excited!  I'm going with my cousin Erica and we've been planning this since Thanksgiving!!  I'm pumped!!  Now we just have to pray the weather and road conditions hold out (which they should since it will be above freezing tomorrow) so we can go!  Even though Erica said we're going no matter what!  They are her fav and she's never got to see them yet cause something always happens!  LOL.....Let's hope for her sake and mine her luck will change!!  Plus they are non refundable tickets so lets really hope it works out!  And I love them!!! WOO HOO!!! 

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